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By accessing and using our website or other services, you are agreeing to the terms of this policy. Please do read this cookie policy carefully so you know what we are doing with your information.

We may update this cookie policy from time to time and will post any changes here so please return occasionally and read through it again. This cookie policy was last updated on 29/04/2021.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small files of letters and numbers. These files are either stored in the memory of your computer or other device such as mobile phones or tablet devices (these cookies are generally known as session cookies) or are placed on the hard drive of your device (generally known as persistent cookies).

Cookies are created when you visit a website or other service that uses cookies. Cookies are commonly used to help the user’s browsing experience and provide more information about the user’s experience and interests. This information is generally used to make content, services and advertising more relevant and useful during future visits.

For more details about cookies and details of how to delete and disable cookies you can visit and also see our section on more information and turning cookies off below.

How do we use cookies?

Our website and services use cookies to distinguish you from other users of our services and to provide increased functionality when you are using our services. This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our website and also allows us to improve our website and our services.

Unless you have adjusted your browser settings (where possible) to refuse cookies, our systems will issue cookies as soon as you visit our website or access other services. If you have switched off cookies then some of the functionality of our services may not be available to you.

The cookies that we use on our websites only collect anonymous information to optimise our services, and do not collect personal information.

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